Monday, November 1, 2010

Why I Blog

Something strange happened when I watched the movie Julie & Julia; instead of being filled with an immediate burning desire to cook, I got motivated to blog. Yeah I know, welcome to the 21st century, right? 

But why blog? Well, the main reason is that I can’t sing or dance; I can’t do algebra and curling escapes me. I am an off the chart introvert who prefers to interact with things instead of people and blogging gives me an excuse to avoid things like cleaning the toilet and dusting. But I will alphabetize my spices and organize the glove compartment of my car, just cos I enjoy it. That makes me OCD. I also have ADD, insomnia, CRS, FTD, LTD and a touch of Asperger's Syndrome, but I'm highly functional and really totally normal. Or at least I appear to me. Well, most people think I am.

Another reason to blog is that I think I have something to say. I represent a huge demographic and would like to think that my everyday experiences and observations will resonate with a bunch of people. If that is true, then we have a connection, a bond which requires no work or effort.

Things fascinate me, behaviors of others give me pause. I don't know why this is but in order to understand things, I write about them. It gives me an outlet to vent, a way to work it out, a canvas to create. It is just a shame to keep all this to myself; after all, one day, I may just say something brilliant!
Words and meanings also grab my attention. Here is a link to the Devils Dictionary which claims to be "repairing the English Language since 1998." I just love this site. Just go into and looks up a few words and you will see why.

Lately some really cool thoughts have been running around in my head (there is a lot of room up there for things to rattle around). I think these voices…er…ah I mean thoughts are trying to tell me something. I think these random thoughts are trying to tell others something too. The problem is twofold; the thoughts are all a bit like state politics, a useless jumble of  meaningless words and phrases, but without the lies, corruption and greed. The other problem is getting my thoughts from my head to my paper.

So here I am – great things to say but no outlet to say it and no one to read it (makes about as much sense and mime in a totally dark room), when I get this email from my sista-from-a-different-mutha-and-fatha directing me to this class at the University of South Carolina called Blogging 101. And we are off.

I have to post this now. I've been working on it for four days. This first blog is also part of my assignment from class and it is WAY due. I'm also a horrible perfectionist so if I don't just stop this blog right now, I will continue to work on it until it is perfect.

Come back again. Register to follow this blog. Please post comments. But be nice, my feelings are easily hurt.